2021-22 Participation (Multicultural) Grants Program in Australia

2021-22 Participation (Multicultural) Grants Program in Australia

Deadline: 30-Nov-21

The Office for Multicultural Affairs is pleased to announce the 2021-22 Participation (Multicultural) Grants Program to provide funding for projects that celebrate cultural diversity and enhance social cohesion in the ACT.

Priority Areas
Priority will be given to applications that:

Strengthen Promote and community inclusion and social connection through collaborative projects, events and programs;
Promote, share and strengthen the value of Canberra’s cultural diversity;
Celebrate and mark significant cultural days, celebrations and observances; gold
Support access to services, programs and information in culturally appropriate ways
Funding Information
A total of $ 180,000 (GST exclusive) is available for programs, activities and events to be held in 2022.
What you can apply for?
Eligible organizations, including Multicultural Community Broadcasters and Community Radio Stations, may apply for funding to support the delivery of:

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Community events and celebrations;
Programs and inclusion initiatives; and
Projects, programs, and activities to build social connection and community support during the pandemic
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply, organizations must:
Be a registered not-for profit or a charitable organization;
Be an incorporated organization or supported by an incorporated auspicing organization; and
have no overdue reporting obligations for previous ACT Government grants including: evaluations, acquittal reports (including evidence of all expenditure) and audited financial statements.
If applying as a Multicultural Community Broadcaster, broadcasters must:
be a voluntary or not-for-profit organization;
be based in and broadcast primarily in the ACT;
broadcast in a language that is representative of a multicultural community; and
produce a regular program on an ACT community radio station providing information and items of interest to specific multicultural community groups.
If applying as a Community Radio Station, must stations:
hold either a:
current Community Radio Broadcasting license;
temporary Community Radio Broadcasting license; gold
special events license;
be based in and broadcast primarily in the ACT; and
provide significant support to programs produced by local multicultural community broadcasters.
Not-for-Profit Organizations
AN ot-for-Profit (NFP) organization does not operate for the profit or gain of its individual members, whether these gains would have been direct or indirect.
ANFP organization may make a profit, but this profit must be used to carry out its purposes and must not be distributed to owners, members or other private individuals.
For more information, visit

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